Corporate culture:
The main activities of the Company are the development, manufacturing and supply of cat toilet litter.
The mission of the Company as a manufacturer of cat toilet litter is to make the life of domestic cats more comfortable, close to natural habitat, and to give their owners joy from the ease of pet care.
The implementation of the Mission allows us to improve the quality of life of employees, fulfill economic and social tasks in the territory of the Company presence.
Our strategic goal is to improve the competitive advantage in the cat toilet litter market, achieve and retain industrial leadership by enhancing operational and manufacturing efficiency, build a self-developing Company.
Our corporate values:
- Fairness and objectivity in labor assessment - we constantly improve the system of employees financial incentives, provide opportunities for the implementation of professional and creative potential of each employee, welcome the initiative, innovative suggestions and new ideas;
- Employees' thrift for the company - each employee is a part of the Company. Each of us is responsible for the safety of inventory and the prevention of damage and theft of the Company property. We are confident that achieving the goal of the company, employees achieve their personal goals. We should be honest with each other and with the Company;
- Teamness - we have to be a coherent team, a single entity. We should solve the difficulties and problems of the Company together. We should be responsive and adequate when communicating with colleagues. We unselfishly help each other and take care of each other.
We are confident that by following our beliefs and acting on the basis of a system of our values, the Company will achieve its goals and our employees will be the foundation for competitive advantage.